Meet Tammy

In kindergarten, I told my class that I was trying to decide between becoming a cowgirl or a princess. Looking back, I realize that I’ve been working to refine that vision ever since. After traveling the globe and witnessing diversity in cultures, I came to realize that the wealth of an individual or a community is not realized in money, rather that the heritage built through stories and food and connections is far more powerful. I have witnessed the abundance of those who own few material goods spread widely through smiles and laughter and a commitment to leave this place in better condition than we found it.

Agrigirl began as a dream to empower individuals and families to build relationships with local farmers and local food sheds. It has evolved to a place where we share not only good recipes but also keen ideals for placemaking and social innovation.

Within all that I do is my personal passion to help entrepreneurs from business, non-profits and social enterprise who are pursuing their dreams. I have a deep understanding of excellence in customer experience and an ability to connect people and ideas to each other. I love to work on projects that make a contribution to placemaking and those that are based on evidence. That net can be cast broadly to include work in education, economic development, arts and culture, food systems, ecology and nature and any combination herein.

My words and actions are grounded in faith. I create balance on the hiking trail, am in love with my Vitamix, and thrive by preparing meals for my family. I love to write non-fiction but am currently working on my dissertation which requires most of my time. I serve on several boards, speak nationally about issues that I am passionate about, and am fortunate to have an amazing family that puts up with it all.

I sometimes blog about food, placemaking and other community topics that I think you might enjoy. The schedule is a challenge as I’m also pursuing my PhD. Please follow me on Facebook and on Twitter and sign up for updates.

Not in my own strength,


Tammy McLeod

Tammy McLeod


  1. KateBart

     /  January 11, 2010

    Perfectly brilliant! I love life lessons from the kitchen! That is where my grandmother taught me most of what I know about life, love, leadership, and creating healthy and prosperous communities! I am so excited to be part of your inaugural post, and I feel privileged to be invited to your kitchen table to learn more! Wishing you a New Year filled with joy, sweet surprises………….and an abundant harvest!

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