Party on a Plate

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday; family and friends, good food, fellowship, no gifts.I think it’s that last piece that I find so freeing. I’ve never been a good shopper, don’t enjoy it as a way to socialize – heck, just ask my family – when they do receive gifts, sometimes they’re not even wrapped!fullsizeoutput_1bd1


Kinda Like the Walking Dead


Top of the Cask. Dos Cabezas Tasting Room, Sonoita, AZ

“It’s sort of like watching one of those TV series. You know, like the Sopranos or the Walking Dead. You watch it, you like it, but every season, somebody’s gonna die.”

End of the Season

“It breaks your heart. It is designed to break your heart. The game begins in the spring, when everything else begins again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings, and then as soon as the chill rains come, it stops and leaves you to face the fall alone. You count on it, rely on it to buffer the passage of time, to keep the memory of sunshine and high skies alive, and then just when the days are all twilight, when you need it most, it stops … And summer is gone.” – A. BARTLETT GIAMATTI

My Favorite Baseball Player

My Favorite Baseball Player


Shell Game

They call it a shell game
But my Uncle Jack told me it was called Thimblerig.

Take out three shells and a pea – an old soldier’s trick.
It’s depicted as a gamble, but really, when the wager’s for money, it’s a confidence trick
used to perpetrate fraud. CC2.0 CC2.0


Ode to My Grocer

Eddie Basha 1937 - 2013

Eddie Basha
1937 – 2013
A Good Man and a Very Bad Boy

Two years ago, my dear friend and mentor, Eddie Basha, died just before national poetry month. I couldn’t finish this at the time but wanted to honor him. He was an Arizona Icon and a brilliant business man with a heart bigger than his head. He had a generosity of spirit and a flare for practical jokes like no one I’ll ever know. He ran for Governor once but lost because although he was a great leader, he was a poor politician. His grocery chain, Bashas, is dispersed widely across our state and is a hub in many of our rural communities. He spent many years on the Board of Regents, a warrior for education for all. I remain deeply saddened by his departure yet in his leaving, he has caused me and others to examine our words and deeds through the filter of fairness and kindness. I wrote this from my own observations and also from some of the lovely tributes paid to him in the days following his death.


Ring it in, Rest, Replenish

The new year is upon us and we all know what that can mean — champagne, resolutions, bowl games, and for some the last days of a holiday season vacation.

Rest, Recover, Enjoy

Rest, Recover, Enjoy


Gift Giving

It is the time of year when I see others scurrying about in search of the perfect gift for a special someone. The mall parking lots are car combat zones, the UPS drivers are building biceps at an impressive rate and for many, frustration builds because they can’t quite decide what gift might be most suitable for the picky kid approaching adolescence.

The Reason We Celebrate in My Home

The Reason We Celebrate in My Home


Yesterday’s Wine

In 1971, country western singer, Willie Nelson had no hits. He and his wife had divorced, his Tennessee ranch had burned to the ground and he’d lost any money from his song-writing due to unsuccessful music tours. Nelson moved to a new ranch and went to a recording studio to record a couple of new songs. The concept album, as it was called was about the Imperfect Man and it contained the song, Yesterday’s Wine.

Day After Savory Bread Pudding
Day After Savory Bread Pudding


Laboring Last Labor Day

Let’s face it, we all believe that every weekend should be at least three days long. There’s the unwinding and then the settling followed by the satori-moment when we catch our wave and finally, the gearing back up. Isn’t it odd how even the most mundane of tasks can translate from labor to a zen-like repetition under the right circumstances?

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