Preparing with a Poem in my Pocket

It’s been a while but it’s still one of my favorite holidays of the year!

Agrigirl's Blog

The idea is simple. Find a poem that you love or one that makes you laugh or something that conjures up wistful memories. Write it down. Put it in your pocket and throughout the day, share it with your friends and your coworkers and the people in line at the coffee shop and the students in your class and your family at the dinner table and whoever else you come into contact with. It’s National Poetry Month. Read poetry.

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  1. people here would think I was mad if I shared a poem in the check out line! But what a great idea 🙂

  2. It’s a rare person who loves to hear poetry. My sisters ,My kids my husband,all seem to run from it. Their faces show they don’t want to hear one more poem…lol

    • Poetry makes some people uncomfortable but like anything, just keep doing it. I love to share a poem at dinner or even have everyone bring one to dinner. AND, I give poetry for gifts.

  3. Balvinder Ubi

     /  January 26, 2020

    I love good poetry and do share with friends on whats app.


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