Bringing the Outside In

Do you think of the arrival of spring as an inhale or an exhale?


My Kitchen Bonsai


Made in the Shade

I was late dashing out for my morning walk today. That’s a bit of a problem given our summer temps and it also dictates my walking path. I choose shade.IMG_3804


Nature Nurture

The Japanese use the phrase, Shinrin-yoku. Translated literally, it means “forest bathing” which is the idea that spending time in nature is a healthy practice.

Yosemite in November

Yosemite in November


Tammy’s Top Ten (t3 report) Food Quotes

Food and words and words and food. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that it’s a combination I prefer. Maslow coined food as one of the most basic human needs. Yet when do words come into his famous pyramid? Do they enter in the layer just above bodily function called safety which includes things like family, employment and morality or are they contained in the middle ground of love and belonging where we see friendship and intimacy?

tsakshaug flickr creative commons

tsakshaug flickr creative commons


Tammy’s Top Ten (t3 report) Holiday Decorating Ideas

The irony is that I’m not doing it this year. We’re busy. We’re traveling. And I don’t want to arrive home after Christmas only to have to pack away decorations that I didn’t get to appreciate. But I keep thinking about it!

Perhaps it’s my recent post on tradition or perhaps it’s the way my brain is wired but in the absence of decorating, here are 10 ways to create a holiday setting with just a bit of effort and little cost:


Light at Longwood

“My aim is to express, through the medium of ‘light’, simple fleeting moments of clarity, experiences of connection with the world.”

Bruce Munro

Installation Art of Bruce Munro


The Ocean Knows

I want to tell you the ocean knows this, that life in its jewel boxes is endless as the sand,
impossible to count, pure, and among the blood-colored grapes time has made the petal hard and shiny,
made the jellyfish full of light and untied its knot,
letting its musical threads fall from a horn of plenty made of infinite mother-of-pearl.
— Pablo Neruda from Enigmas



Pay Back

I swear. The hardest thing I’ve ever done is try to be a good parent. There’s no book and I probably wouldn’t have read it if there was. I began with great ideals and have flexed into a more adaptive role realizing that kids and situations vary and that some of my ideals would  have likely put them on a therapist’s couch for years to come. I pray a lot.

Sixteen Year-old Decision


Independents Week

Sure. You’re thinking I can’t spell and perhaps that does happen on occasion but not today. This 4th of July week is not only symbolic of our nation’s freedom but it’s a time for all Americans to celebrate the importance of our economic democracy by honoring the locally owned independent businesses.

My Mantra


Tammy’s Top Ten (t3 report) Tips for Less Food Waste

It’s not a problem in my home with three growing boys but when it does happen, it’s typically around food items like a tub of sour cream – purchased as an ingredient for one recipe yet afterwards, left to develop green scum in the back of my fridge. But, here’s the deal: This is a real problem and while I could already surmise that the U.S. would top the wasteful list, it’s a global issue.

Heading to the Compost Pile
