New, Happy Year

It doesn’t roll off the tongue quite as easily as it might if the words were rearranged but that’s because it is unfamiliar and yes, it is new.


Photo credit to Unnar Ýmir Björnsson


Gift Giving

It is the time of year when I see others scurrying about in search of the perfect gift for a special someone. The mall parking lots are car combat zones, the UPS drivers are building biceps at an impressive rate and for many, frustration builds because they can’t quite decide what gift might be most suitable for the picky kid approaching adolescence.

The Reason We Celebrate in My Home

The Reason We Celebrate in My Home


Tammy’s Top Ten (t3 report) Food Songs

I thought it would be hard to find ten. But the struggle came in the whittling down of a brutally long list of food songs. Who knew there were so many and that I’d have had to spend hours on youtube listening to ensure that I’ve happened upon the right selection. I don’t know that I have. I loosened my criteria. Weird Al was disqualified. I closed out anything from Sesame Street or Raffi. And while Taco Wagon by Dick Dale and the Del-Tones is right up there for great music, it had no lyrics. The good news is, that while there are oodles of old songs about savory morsels, the new genre is keeping up just fine. This however, is a sort of an oldies list.

I’d never heard this song before and thought that it was quite fitting for my own story.

Agrigirl’s List of Food Songs

1. Canned Goods by Greg Brown (more…)